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Your Story

You heard my story, now what is yours? Send in your story if you would like to share. I'd love to hear from you and be able to share YOUR story on here for others to hear.


  1. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem!!! I think many young people, including myself consider it, because they lack the experience to know that life has it's ups and downs, and that God will eventually put you exactly where, and when you need to be at the right place and time. I am no longer young, but once was and it was a very painful time until my grandparents and God saved my life. When I did ask God in to my life at a stop sign in Macomb, Illinois things went to he## from there you might say. But NO! What you have to know is that God has a plan for your life, and that may include some cleaning house to get you there. God blessed the broken road, that brought me straight to you!!!! The story is very long, and so many turns I might not even remember them all, but in the end I have been married to my angel for 37 years now, with every day a treasure...


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